Welcome to the expert stage of this choose your own adventure game. Congratulations on making it past the intermediate stage! Now, you have to make a choice. We have prepared two games for you to play at this stage in the game. You can chose to play whichever game calls out to you, or you can choose to play both. The power is in your hands!
The first game we have prepared for you is a game called CyberDojo. This is a game where you choose specific projects you want to solve and complete. You can do this on your own or with a group of your peers, if you are having trouble finding people to work with, maybe ask people in the discussion forum if they want to work with you. These projects are all done in Python.
The link for this game can be found here: https://www.cyber-dojo.org/creator/home
The second game we have prepared for you is a game called Code Wars. This is a game where you solve programming problems whos code has an error. To enter this game you have to have a basic understanding of Python syntax because you have to complete a code to even enter a game. The rest of the game follows a similar format.
The link for this game can be found here: https://www.codewars.com/
Have fun playgramming!